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古典文化 译海散记 广角探视





2010-09-07 05:50:03|  分类: 中医英语900句 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.  如果气候的变化超过了人体调节机能的限度,就会发生疾病。

If the change of weather have exceeded the limit of the body to adapt and regulate, it will lead to occurrence of diseases.


2.  如果机体不能对自然变化作出适应性调节时,也会发生疾病。

If the body fails to adjust itself to adapt to the changes of the natural world, it will cause diseases.


3.  春善病鼽衄,仲夏善病胸胁,长夏善病洞泄寒中,秋善病风疟,冬善病痹厥。

Spring is marked by frequent occurrence of epistaxis, middle summer by frequent occurrence of chest and hypochondriac problems, long summer by diarrhea due to invasion of cold into the abdomen, autum by wind-malaria and winter by obstruction and pain ailments.


4.  一般疾病多是白天较轻,夜晚较重。

Generally speaking, diseases appear alleviated in the daytime and worsened at night.


5.  人体的生理活动和病理变化是随着四时气候的变化而发生相应的改变。

The physiological activities and pathological changes vary with the changes in the four seasons.


6.  内外环境统一性和机体自身整体性的思想称之为整体观念。

The idea about the unity between the internal and external environments and the integrity of the body itself is known as the concept of organic wholeness.


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