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古典文化 译海散记 广角探视





2007-01-03 18:18:12|  分类: 中医英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.  中医学认为世界是物质的,是阴阳二气相互作用的结果。

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that the universe is material and that it is the result of the interaction between Yin and Yang.


2.  清阳为天,浊阴为地。

The lucid Yang ascends to form the heaven while the turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth.


3.  气是运动着的物质实体,一切事物都是气运动的结果。

Qi reflects the function of substances through its movement and all things are the result of Qi movement.


4.  天地合气,命之曰人。

Combination of Qi from the heaven and the earth ensures the life of human beings.


5.  人体是一个有机的整体。

Human body is an organic whole.


6.  人以天地之气生,四时之法成。

The existence of human beings depends on the integration of Qi from the heaven and the earth and the law that controls the changes of the four seasons.


7.  中医学认为精气是生命的本原物质。

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Jingqi (Essential-Qi) is the origin of life.


8.  精气先身而生并具有遗传特性。

Jing Qi (Essence-Qi) exists before the formation of human body and is hereditary.


9.  夫精者,身之本也。

Jing (Essence) is the foundation of life.


10.              故生之来谓之精,两精相搏谓之神。

The origin of life is Jing (Essence) and the combination of parental Essence froms what is known as Shen (Spirit).


11.              禀受于父母的精气称为“先天之精”。

The Jing Qi (Essence-Qi) that is inherited from the parents is called prenatal Essence.


12.              父母之精气相合形成胚胎发育的原始物质。

The combination of the parental Essence forms the original substance of fetus.


13.              没有精气,就没有生命。

Without Jing Qi (Essence-Qi), there will be no life.


14.              人生下来之后,先天之精又要靠后天之精的培养和补充才能使生命活动生生不息。

After birth, the prenatal Essence depends on the postnatal Essence to cultivate and enrich so as to maintain life activities.


15.              精气是构成和维持人体生命活动的基本物质。

Jing Qi (Essence-Qi) is the basic substance that forms and maintains life activity.


16.              气的运动变化及其伴随发生的能量转化过程称之为“气化”。

The phenomenon of movement and changes of Qi as well as the process of energy transformation during such activities is known as Qi transformation.


17.              气化运动是生命的基本特征,没有气化就没有生命。

Qi transformation reflects the basic feature of life. Without Qi transformation, there will be no life.


18.              气化运动的本质就是集体内部阴阳消长转化的矛盾运动。

The motive of Qi transformation is the waxing and waning movement of Yin and Yang within the organism.


19.              升降出入是气运动的基本形式,没有升降出入就没有生命活动。

The activities of ascending, descending, going out and coming in are the basic ways of Qi movement. Without such a movment of Qi, there will be no life activities.


20.              出入废则神机化灭,升降息则气立孤危。

If the activities of going out and coming into stop, the transforming mechanism of Shen (Spirit) will be damaged; if the activities of ascending and descending stop, Qi will be immediately isolated and endangered.


21.              形神学说是中医学基本理论之一,是在唯物主义自然观的基础上形成的。

The theory of body and spirit is one of the basic doctrines in traditional Chinese medicine developed on the basis of materialism.


22.              广义的“神”指人体生命活动外在表现的总称,包括生理性或病理性外露的征象。

In a broad sense, Shen (spirit) is a generalization of the external manifestations of life activities, including the signs of both physiological functions and pathological changes.


23.              狭义的“神”指精神思维活动。

In a narrow sense, Shen (spirit) refers to mental activities.


24.              神去则气化停止,生命也随之完结。

Loss of Shen (Spirit) will lead to stoppage of Qi transformation and consequently the end of life.


25.              神的物质基础是气血。

Shen (Spirit) is the material base of Qi and blood.


26.              神主宰着人体脏腑组织的功能活动与气血的营运。

Shen (Spirit) governs the functional activities of viscera and tissues as well as the ciriculation of Qi and blood.


27.              形与神相互依附而不可分离的关系称之为“形与神俱”。

The idea that the body and the Shen (Spirit) exist simultaneously means that the body and the Shen (Spirit) depend on each other and cannot be separated.


28.              形乃神之宅,神乃形之主。

The body houses Shen (Spirit) while the Shen (Spirit) controls the body.


29.              无神则形不可活,无形则神无以附。

Without the Shen (Spirit), the body cannot remain alive; without the body, the Shen (Spirit) cannot exist alone.


30.              形神统一是生命存在的主要保证。

The unity between the body and the Shen (Spirit) ensures the existence of life.


31.              中医学中的形神关系实际上就是物质与精神的关系。

The relationship between the body and the Shen (Spirit) in traditional Chinese medicine is, in fact, the same as the relationship between substance and spirit.


32.              中医学理论中的形神统一观是养生防病,延年益寿,以及诊断治疗的重要理论根据。

The idea of unity between the body and the spirit in traditional Chinese medicine serves as a theoretic guide for cultivating health, preventing disease and prolonging life as well as diagnosing and treating diseases.


33.              精气不散,神守不分。

If Jing Qi (Essence-Qi) does not disperse, the Shen (Spirit) will surely remain inside the body.


34.              中医认为病邪侵犯人体首先破坏阴阳的协调平衡,使阴阳失调而发病。

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that invasion of pathogenic factors first breaks the balance between Yin and Yang, eventully leading to occurrence of diseases.


35.              邪气虽有发于阳和发于阴的不同,但发病的关键还在于人体正气的强弱。


36.              正气存内,邪不可干。

Sufficient Healthy-Qi inside the body will prevent invasion of pathogenic factors.


37.              邪之所凑,其气必虚。

The region where pathogenic factors invades must be deficient in Qi.


38.              中医学认为疾病是可以认识和防治的,提出了“治未病”的预防为主的思想。

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that diseases are understandable, preventable and curable. And therefore it emphasizes the importance of prevention in dealing with diseases.


39.              言不可治者,未得其术也。

Those who regard a disease as incurable are actually unaware of therapeutic methods.


40.              中医强调,未病之前要重视形体和精神的调养,顺四时而适寒暑,和喜怒而安居处。

Before the occurrence of diseases, traditional Chinese medicine pays much attention to physical and mental cultivation, abidance to the changes of the four seasons, active adapation to cold and heat, harmony of emotional changes and peaceful living.


41.              既病以后要及时发现,早期治疗,防止传变。

When diseases have already occurred, traditional Chinese medicine advocates the practice of early diagnosis and early treatment to prevent further progress and change.

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