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古典文化 译海散记 广角探视





2010-06-04 06:27:52|  分类: 中医英语900句 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1.  机体整体统一性的形成,是以五脏为中心,配以六腑,通过经络系统内属于脏腑,外络于肢体的作用而实现的。

The unity and integrity of the body are realized through the dominant function of the heart with the assistance of the six Fu-organs and the meridians that “pertain to the viscera in the interior and connect with the limbs and joints in the exterior”.


2.  五脏代表着整个人体的五个系统,人体所有器官都可以包括在这五个系统之中。

The five Zang-organs represent five systems which contain all the organs inside the body.


3.  人体以五脏为中心,通过经络系统,把六腑、五体、五官、九窍、四肢百骸等全身组织器官联系成有机的整体,并通过精、气、血、津液的作用,来完成机体统一的机能活动。

Centering around the five Zang-organs, the body, through the system of meridians and collaterals and the actions of the essence, Qi, blood and body fluid, organize different parts of the body into an organic whole, including the six Fu-organs, five constituents, five sensory organs, nine orifices, four limbs and skeleton.


4.  五脏一体观反映出人体内部器官是相互关联而不是孤立的一个统一的整体。

Unity of the five Zang-organs indicates that the internal organs inside the body are associated with each other, not isolated from each other.


5.  人体正常生理活动一方面要靠各脏腑组织发挥自己的功能,另一方面又要靠脏腑间相辅相成的协同作用和相反相成的制约作用,才能维持生理平衡。

Normal physiological activities of the body depend on the normal functions of the viscera and tissues. Only when the functions of the viscera are normal and their supplementary and interactive relationships are brought into full play can normal physiological harmony be maintained.


6.  每个脏腑各自有不同的功能,又有整体活动下的分工合作,这是人体局部与整体的统一。

The unity of the parts with the wholeness in traditional Chinese medicine indicates that the internal organs, though different from one another in function, work together to perform the functions of the body and the activities of life as a whole.


7.  经络系统联结全身,把脏腑、经络、肢体、五官、九窍等联结成为一个有机整体。

The sytem of meridians and collaterals connect different parts of the body into an organic whole, including the viscera, meridians, limbs, five sensory organs and nine orifices.


8.  气血津液理论和形神统一学说,反映了机能与形体的整体性。

The theory about Qi, blood and body fluid and the theory about the unity between body and spirit demonstrate the integrity of body.


9.  人体阴阳的制约、消长和转化维持了人体的动态平衡。

Mutual restriction, promotion, reduction and transformation of Yin and Yang inside the body maintain a dynamic equilibrium of the body.



Promotion and restriction among the five elements are the basic conditions for normal physiological activities of the body.

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